African Aviation
Series No. 6 CHOPPER PILOT – The adventures and experiences
of Monster Wilkins

At the time of publication in
2000, the author, Monster Wilkins had the most flying hours on Alouette
IIIs, his favourite helicopter to pilot. He writes in his - from the cockpit
style - and gives in-depth detail of his exploits as a helicopter pilot, from
South Africa, to Angola, to Rhodesia and back to South Africa to being
OC of the Ciskei Air Wing and OC of AFB Durban. During his stint in the
United States of America as Air Attache he was a regular speaker at functions.
It is A4, with 152 pages and 12 colour pages. This book was sold
out within 6 months of publication and was
This entertaining collection of
flying anecdotes begins a CFS Dunnottar in 1964, with the author recalling
his high-jinks with his later to be famous pal, Scully
stories of incidents, adventures, and mishaps – some sad, most funny –
continue in chronological order through some of South Africa’s more recent
turbulent times right up to the fire-fighting duties on the Cape in
January 2000.
are chapters on squadron ops, mountain flying, various bush-war sorties,
and maritime work, as well as specific chapters on the Puma, Super Frelon
and the various Eurocopter machines of Ciskei.
book has a lavish number of photos, ranging from black and white family
album snaps to some excellent and rare images.
Although most of the tales are of helicopter
adventures this is not a book just for chopper enthusiasts. Anyone who
flies in SA, or has an interest in the SAAF, will enjoy this engaging and
enjoyable work.